Search Result "superoxide anion radical."

Acylhydrazide Schiff Bases: DPPH Radical and Superoxide Anion Scavengers

Journal: Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Year: 2012 Page: 705-710
Author(s): Khalid Mohammed Khan,Muhammad Taha,Farzana Naz,Salman Siddiqui,Sajjad Ali,Fazal Rahim,Shahnaz Perveen,M. Iqbal Choudhary

Superoxide Anion Radical: Generation and Detection in Cellular and Non-Cellular Systems

Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 22 Issue: 37 Year: 2015 Page: 4234-4256
Author(s): Renan Campos Chisté,Marisa Freitas,Adriana Zerlotti Mercadante,Eduarda Fernandes

2,4,6-Trichlorophenylhydrazine Schiff Bases as DPPH Radical and Super Oxide Anion Scavengers

Journal: Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Year: 2012 Page: 452-461
Author(s): Khalid Mohammed Khan,Zarbad Shah,Viqar Uddin Ahmad,Momin Khan,Muhammad Taha,Fazal Rahim,Sajjad Ali,Nida Ambreen,Shahnaz Perveen,M. Iqbal Choudhary,Wolfgang Voelter

Research Article

Antioxidant Activities, Binding Parameters, and Electrochemical Behavior of Superoxide Anion Radicals Twords 1-Ferrocenylmethylthymine and 1-Ferrocenylmethylcytosine

Journal: Current Physical Chemistry
Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Year: 2020 Page: 10-22
Author(s): Elhafnaoui Lanez,Lazhar Bechki,Touhami Lanez

Research Article

Antioxidant Activities of N-ferrocenylmethyl-2- and -3-nitroaniline and Determination of their Binding Parameters with Superoxide Anion Radicals

Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Analysis
Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Year: 2017 Page: 110-116
Author(s): Touhami Lanez,Hadia Hemmami

Research Article

Antibacterial and Antioxidant Superoxide Anion Radical Inhibitors fromMyrmecodia pendans: An In silico Study

Journal: The Natural Products Journal
Volume: 13 Issue: 8 Year: 2023 Page: 2-12
Author(s): Zenika Febian Ramadhanty

Effect of Resveratrol and Tiron on the Inactivation of Glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate Dehydrogenase Induced by Superoxide Anion Radical

Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 21 Issue: 8 Year: 2014 Page: 1061-1069
Author(s): A. Rodacka, J. Strumillo, E. Serafin, M. Puchala

Reactions of Water-Soluble Alkylperoxyl Radicals and Superoxide with DNA, Lipoproteins and Phospholipid Vesicles:The Role Played by Electrostatic Forces

Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Year: 2003 Page: 2631-2642
Author(s): K. U. Ingold

Oxygen Radicals in Inflammation and Allergy Related to Viral Infections

Journal: Current Drug Targets - Inflammation & Allergy
Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Year: 2005 Page: 497-501
Author(s): M. Kato, Y. Hayashi, H. Kimura

Radical Scavenging and Antioxidant Capacity of Serotonin

Journal: Current Bioactive Compounds
Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 Page: 143-152
Author(s): S. Beyza Ozturk Sarikaya,Ilhami Gulcin

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