Bentham Science is a science, technology, and medical publisher,
providing academic researchers and industrial professionals with
the latest information in diverse fields of science and technology.
Bentham Science is a science, technology, and medical publisher, providing academic researchers and industrial professionals with the latest information in diverse fields of science and technology. Our peer-reviewed scholarly journals and books (under the Bentham Books brand) have an ever-increasing readership of millions of researchers worldwide.
Bentham Science was originally incorporated in the Netherlands. We are now a multinational company based in UAE and have employees in the USA, the Netherlands, Spain, India, and China. Bentham Science also outsources its publishing services to several countries, including the UK, China, and Pakistan.
Bentham Science currently publishes more than 130 journals in both electronic and printed formats. Our journals cover various disciplines in pharmaceutical research and development, medical subspecialties, engineering, technology, and social sciences. The journals are indexed in recognized indexing agencies, information of our journals' indexation by various indexing agencies can be viewed. at
66 Bentham Science journals have received impact factor rankings in the annual Journal Citation Report 2023. For more information, click here:
Bentham Science follows the single blind peer-review procedure for submissions of all manuscripts to its journals, except for a selected number of patent journals where double blind review is followed.
All submitted articles/eBook chapters are subjected to an extensive peer review in consultation with members of the journal's editorial board and independent external reviewers (usually three reviewers). All manuscripts/chapters are assessed and the decision is taken by the journal's Editor-in-Chief/eBook Editor keeping in view all the peer reviewers' comments. The final decision is then conveyed to the author(s).
Since reviewers play an essential role in maintaining the integrity and accuracy of the research, therefore to acknowledge their role, Bentham Science has made its publications and review information available on Publons. Publons provides a formal recognition to our peer reviewers by displaying a verified record of their peer review and editorial contributions for academic journals on their website. For more information, click here:
In addition to the wide range of scientific journals, Bentham Science has a book publishing program (Bentham Books) which publishes works on diverse topics. Our book catalog features more than 1000 titles, with multiple titles published annually. We continue to broaden our publishing scope by expanding our books and journals catalog annually, to also include works relevant to established and emerging disciplines. Learn more about Bentham Books here:
Bentham Science offers a reliable publishing experience to authors from the initial manuscript submission till the final publication, through our state of the art journal management system which makes the publication process smooth and timely. With a productive association of 10,000 eminent scientists on the editorial boards, (including Nobel laureates as honorary advisors), Bentham Science provides high-quality peer review services to maintain their standards in publication.
In addition to publication opportunities for researchers, we also offer scholarly content licensing solutions, through our online store Eureka Select, to academic and corporate libraries interested in our journals and books. The online store also make our publications available for individual readers and publishers. Visit the online store, Eureka Select, here:EurekaSelect
Bentham Science is always open to new ideas and partnerships. If you are a researcher, librarian or distributor, and wish to work with us, please contact us at