Background: Formulation of composite flours from wheat and non-wheat flours has been
proposed as the most desirable way to improve the nutritional quality in diets, promote food security
and lower the cost of baked products.
Objective: This study evaluated the effect of fortification with snail meat powder on physicochemical
properties and shelf-life of sorghum-wheat buns.
Methods: Buns were prepared by replacing a part of sorghum-wheat flour with 5, 10, 15, 20, and
25% of snail meat powder. Physical properties including volume, density, baking loss, yield, weight,
hardness and colour, the proximate analyses including moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre
and ash and mineral composition of iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and copper were analyzed for the
buns. In vitro protein digestibility was determined by pepsin digestion. Plate count agar and potato
dextrose agar were respectively used for enumeration of bacterial and fungal flora in the buns during
storage. Shelf-life determination was based on the number of days before the production of off flavours
and fungal infestation.
Results: Compositing sorghum-wheat flour with snail meat powder progressively improved the density,
baking loss, yield, weight and texture of the buns. Protein, fat, ash, energy, iron, zinc, calcium,
magnesium and copper contents were also increased. Fortification of buns at 5% and 25% with SMP
improved in vitro protein digestibility by 16% and 22%, respectively. Maximum bacterial count in
buns was below the International Microbiological Standard recommended units for dry and ready to
eat foods of 103 cfu/g.
Conclusion: Buns composited with snail meat powder showed a considerable potential to be used as
protein rich foods in preventing protein energy malnutrition among young children.
Buns, digestibility, nutrient imbalance, protein energy malnutrition, protein rich foods, snail meat powder, sorghum-
Graphical Abstract
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