Current Nutrition & Food Science

Author(s): Aziz H. Rad, Behzad Ebrahimi*, Fakhreddin Homayoonpour*, Aydin Tabrizi, Darya A. SalmasI and Maede Baharbanafshe

DOI: 10.2174/1573401315666181204112903

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Formulation of Stable Frying Oil for Food Industry by Using Various Edible Oils and Antioxidants

Page: [672 - 677] Pages: 6

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Frying oils are important nutrition due to their significant changes during the frying process. These changes can cause serious health problems in consumers.

Methods: The aims of this 3-stage study were to investigate chemical changes of Total Polar Compounds (TPC), Peroxide Value (PV), Free Fatty Acid (FFA), Anisidine Value (AV) and TOTOX Value (TV) during heating of four improved frying oil formulations including super palm olein, sunflower, rapeseed and corn oil and to assess their frying quality, blends and subsequent changes using various antioxidant compounds, including ter-butyl Hydroquinone (TBHQ) and its mixture with Ascorbyl Palmitate (ASCP).

Results: Results showed that the best formulation at the end of frying time was FO5 including 1:1 super palm olein and corn oil containing 120 ppm of TBHQ, 120 ppm of ASCP and 0.01% of Citric Acid (CA). This formulation showed the minimum TPC, PV, TV and FFA, compared to those other formulations.

Conclusion: Furthermore, AP was demonstrated to include synergistic effects on TBHQ in preventing thermal deterioration of the frying oils.

Keywords: Deep frying, formulation, natural antioxidant, synthetic antioxidant, stable frying oil, peroxide value.

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