Background: All parts of the pomegranate (fruits, leaves, flowers, and roots) are traditionally
used as a folk medicine due to its high antioxidant and phenolic property. The pomegranate
fruit is known for its antimicrobial, anticancer and anti-arteriosclerotic properties.
Objective: The current study aims to the effect of ultra-sonication and temperature (45°C) on freezedried
pomegranate arils powder for extraction of phenolic and flavonoid compounds and to study the
antioxidant activity.
Methods: The freeze-dried arils of pomegranate (Ganesh variety) were procured and subjected to ultra-
sonication methods at 45ºC applied for 30 minutes by using methanol, ethanol, water, acetone and
hexane solvent for obtaining the extract. The methanolic extract showed the highest phenolic
(3036.725 ± 5.39 Gallic acid equivalents mg/100gm), flavonoid (15882.088 ± 0.64, quercetin
mg/100g), antioxidant activity (96.1367±0.13%) and free reducing antioxidant power (FRAP
assay-18.9033 ± 0.12, Tor. mg/100 ml) respectively, as compared to the extract obtained through
other solvents.
Results: The results obtained indicate that the freeze-drying method and ultrasonic extraction method
is one of the effective and quick methods for quality extraction of phenolic and flavonoids compounds
from fruits.
Conclusion: The technology can further be explored for the development of nutraceutical and health
Antioxidant activity, drying, pomegranate arils, total flavonoid content, total phenolic content, ultra-sonication.
Graphical Abstract
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