Current Nutrition & Food Science

Author(s): Samira Beikzadeh, Behzad Ebrahimi*, Reza Mohammadi, Mehdi Beikzadeh, Mohammad Asghari-Jafarabadi and Elaheh Foroumandi

DOI: 10.2174/1573401314666180509130851

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Heavy Metal Contamination of Milk and Milk Products Consumed in Tabriz

Page: [484 - 492] Pages: 9

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: In this study, lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), Iron (Fe) and arsenic (As) contents in milk and different dairy product samples from in Iran (Tabriz) were measured.

Methods: Samples of 10 brands of pasteurized milk, yoghurt, traditional and industrial kashk were selected and quantitative analysis for heavy metals were performed by a Varian AA240fs atomic absorption spectrometer with a Graphite Furnace (GTA 120).

Results: The obtained ranges of mean heavy metals are given in the following: in milk 6.066-10.83, 2.343-6.070, 141.73-241.23, 2764.3-3151.3, 3.246-7.536ppb, in yoghurt 5.543-19.341, 3.143-8.830, 276.17-423.53, 2412.4-4115.7, 6.650-10.84, in industrial kashk 2.163-19.621, 1.541-13.45, 115.87- 565.40, 2588.4-5014.3, 4.346-20.351ppb, and in traditional kashk 7.972-32.723, 5.233-9.966, 416.42- 923.62, 4491.4-6402.3, 7.661-28.413 ppb, respectively.

Conclusion: All the samples were below the internationally recognized permissible limits and did not pose any health risk to the consumption of milk and dairy products in Tabriz.

Keywords: Bioactive compounds, heavy metals, kashk, milk product, milk, yoghuort.

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