Background: The global market for gluten-free food products is constantly growing.
Consumers are increasingly choosing a gluten-free diet voluntarily or due to gluten intolerance
(celiac disease).
Objectives: The purpose of the research is scientific substantiation of the technology and recipe of
gluten-free bakery products and determination of the optimal ratio of corn and rice flour in the production
Methods: The work used general scientific research methods, analysis of literary sources, analysis
of patent and technical literature, and comparative analytical and laboratory analyses.
Results: Research results have shown that replacing wheat flour with a high gluten content in the
recipe for gluten-free, namely corn and rice flour, allows obtaining high quality indicators. On the
basis of the conducted organoleptic tests, it was established that according to the results of the total
indicators of the organoleptic evaluation, experimental sample 3, with a ratio of corn and rice
flour of 80:20, has the same average score as the control sample. The analysis of physico-chemical
quality indicators confirmed the organoleptic results of the research. It was established that the
ratio of corn and rice flour is the most rational (experiment 3). An increase in the amount of rice
flour leads to an increase in the porosity of gluten-free bakery products. Thus, in test sample 3
compared to test sample 1, the value of this indicator increased by 7%, which can be explained by
a favorable nutrient environment for yeast cells due to additional water-soluble proteins and sugars
present in rice flour, which is confirmed by previous studies. The acidity of gluten-free bakery
products of experiment 3 also increased compared to the control sample by 0.5 degrees, which
is explained by the positive effect of increasing the dosage of rice flour on the development of
yeast cells in the dough. After characterizing the moisture content of the pulp after 48 hours of
storage, it should be noted that increasing the amount of rice flour allows you to preserve more
moisture in the finished product by an average of 1-2%. In our opinion, this is due to the fact that
when rice flour is added, an additional amount of insoluble fibers is added, which by their structure
have the ability to bind free moisture, which is retained by them more firmly, and when baking,
a larger amount of moisture remains in the product of moisture, which is confirmed by previous
studies of gluten-free raw materials. Therefore, test sample 3 with a ratio of corn and rice
flour of 80:20 is recommended for the production of new-generation food products for certain
groups of the population who choose a gluten-free diet by their own choice or due to gluten intolerance,
namely celiac disease.
Conclusion: The rational ratio of corn and rice flour was determined, taking into account the
physicochemical properties and organoleptic indicators of the quality of finished gluten-free bakery
products. It was established that the rational ratio of corn and rice is 80:20 - experiment 3.
This proportion ensures proper physico-chemical indicators and high organoleptic indicators of finished
gluten-free bakery products. It was established that the manufactured gluten-free bakery
products exceed the control sample in terms of physico-chemical parameters, namely, porosity,
acidity, dimensional stability, and moisture content of the crumb.
Gluten-free, technology, formulation, functional ingredients, production, development.
Graphical Abstract
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