Introduction: The quality of corn flour can improve through a modification process. The modification
method that can be done to improve the characteristics of corn flour is through a controlled fermentation process accompanied by pregelatinization. This study aims to determine the effect modification of corn flour by spontaneous fermentation, controlled fermentation using Lactobacillus
fabifermentans or Aspergillus sp culture and mixed culture of L. fabifermentans and Aspergillus sp
(1:3) followed by pregelatinization at 80ºC for 15 minutes.
Methods: The treatment variables in this study
were spontaneous fermentation, controlled fermentation using single cultures of L. fabifermentans
or Aspergillus sp., and mixed cultures of these microbes with a ratio of 1:3. This study consisted of
4 treatments with three groups each. This research is an experimental study using Randomized
Block Design (RBD). Observation variables in this study were proximates tests (moisture content,
ash, protein, fat, and carbohydrates) and starch digestibility. The data were processed using the
SPSS version 22 program, with the method analysis of variance (ANOVA), and continued with
Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT).
Results: The results of variance analysis from spontaneous fermentation treatments, single culture fermentation of L. fabifermentans or Aspergillus sp, and mixed
cultures of L. fabifermentans and Aspergillus sp (1:3) gave significant effect on moisture content,
fat, carbohydrates, and starch digestibility of modified corn flour.
Conclusion: The best-modified corn flour was
obtained by controlled fermentation treatment using L. fabifermentans followed by pregelatinization
with characteristics of moisture content 14.46%, ash 0.13%, protein 7.41%, fat 0.65%, carbohydrates 80.06%, and starch digestibility 87.15%.
Graphical Abstract
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