Malnutrition in children is a major problem in developing countries. An increased
number of children are dying because of a lack of nutrition in their regular diet. The nutritional
value of food during the growing stage of children is important. The development of the human
body requires various types of nutrition for normal growth, which is obtained from a regular
healthy diet. In this study, an exhaustive literature survey was done using Pubmed, Google Scholar,
and various other internet sources, and also other reference records were studied. This review
highlighted the causes and consequences of the perpetual lack of a healthy diet that leads to malnutrition.
It also summarized the steps taken for the management and treatment of malnutrition.
This review may be a vital tool for the researchers working on malnutrition for its proper understanding.
Malnutrition, endocrine, body mass index (BMI), diet, underweight, development.
Graphical Abstract
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