Palms have been a source of food, drinks, oil, lumber, sugar, and the sap it produces.
Palm sap is a refreshing, non-alcoholic beverage that has a plethora of health benefits. Some examples
of palm-based beverages are Neera, toddy, tuba, wine, arak, and other traditional fermented
drinks, along with concentrated syrups. Palm sap-based beverages are high in carbohydrates,
vital amino acids, and vitamins and are consumed as energy drinks around the world. Antioxidants,
which have been shown to have a good effect on human health, are also found naturally
in palm-based beverages. Technological advancement, marketing, and a lack of research
and training hinder the commercialization of nutritional by-products made from palm sap. The
current review aims to focus on palm-based beverages, their health benefits, recent developments,
and future perspectives.
Fermentation, health benefits, palm beverages, palm sap, non-alcoholic beverage, plethora.
Graphical Abstract
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