Background: Protium serratum Engl (Indian red pear) and Artocarpus chama Buch.-
Ham (wild jackfruit) are typical wild edible fruits that have a wide range of folk medicinal properties.
Objectives: Our present study deals with the exploration of nutritional value, antioxidant activity,
and total phenolic content present in Protium serratum Engl and Artocarpus chama Buch.-Ham
Methods: The soxhlet apparatus was used to extract crude samples. The quantitative analysis of
the wild edible fruits was broadly done by proximate and ultimate analysis techniques.
Results: The results showed that the moisture contents in P. serratum and A. chama Buch. are
78.53% and 74.23%, respectively. The obtained ash (8.59%), fiber (3.17%), total sugar (5.495
mg/100g), and fat (0.66%) contents are high in P. serratum. In contrast, A. chama Buch. has a
high content of protein (0.52%). Vitamin C content is higher in P. serratum (550 mg/100g) than
that in A. chama Buch. (350 mg/100g). The result shows that the Ca and Mg contents are higher
in P. serratum compared to A. chama Buch. Indian red pear shows good antioxidant properties
and has high total phenolic content as compared to wild jackfruit and some commercial fruits.
Conclusion: The study establishes that further investigation must be done to determine the development
of new products, processing, and preservation techniques so that two underutilized
fruits can become a part of our regular dietary habits. By doing so, we can enrich the fruit basket
of the country.
Wild edible fruits, nutritional value, antioxidant activity, total phenolic contents, Tripura.
Graphical Abstract
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