Current Nutrition & Food Science

Author(s): Monika Prakash Singh, Kritika Soni, Rashmi Bhamra and Ravi Kumar Mittal*

DOI: 10.2174/1573401317666210420123013

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Superfood: Value and Need

Page: [65 - 68] Pages: 4

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Abstract: Superfood is the name coined by the marketing industries to segregate the food which is claimed to have an edge over the common food, having increased nutritional efficiency, and possessing more amounts of antioxidants which lead to the prevention of many coronary heart diseases. The history and introduction of the superfood have been discussed through brief instances, and nutritional analysis of some of the most popularly available superfoods like quinoa, goji berry, acai berry, etc. has been done. Some of the indigenous superfood nutritional benefits have also been stated. The need and value with respect to the therapeutic and economic aspects of the superfood are reported in the present review in accordance with the current and relevant data.

Keywords: Superfoods, food, nutrients, antioxidants, disease, health.

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