Background: Diplazium esculentum is found throughout Asia growing along with water
channels and is used for many purposes. In India, the rhizomes are used to control insects and pests
while the young fronds are used as a vegetable and salad. But very few reports on phytochemicals of
young fronds and its anti-oxidant activity is available.
Objective: The present study was undertaken to assess the antioxidant, antimicrobial and phytochemical
analysis of D. esculentum.
Methods: Proximate analysis was done according to the standard protocol while antioxodant and antimicrobial
activity was performed by DDPH. and well diffusion method respectivity. Phytochemical
analysis was performed by GC-MS.
Results: The present study revealed that the young fronds of D. esculentum contain high amount of
carbohydrate followed by protein, crude fibre, and fat. The free radical scavenging activity of methanolic
extract was 87.93 ± 0.3% reduction, which shows it have potential antioxidant activity. The antioxidant
property may be contributed by the presence of phytochemicals such as Phosphoric acid,
phytol, 2,6,10-Trimethyl,14 ethylene-14-pentadecene, Hexadecanoic acid methyl ester, Pentadecanoic
acid, Stigmasta-5,22-dien-3-ol, acetate, (3.beta.). It showed promising antimicrobial activity against
S. aureus and B. subtilis. The antimicrobial activity may be due to the presence of Phytochemicals
such as beta-Ocimene, 2,6,10-Trimethyl,14 ethylene-14-pentadecene, 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,
BIS(2-Methylpropyl)ester, Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester, 1-Heneicosanol, Phytol, 5,8,11,14-
Eicosatetraenoic acid, methyl ester(all Z), 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, Ergost-5-en-3-ol, (3.beta),
Stigmasta-5,22-dien-3-ol, acetate, (3.beta.), stigmast-5-EN-3-OL, (3.beta).
Conclusion: From the present study, it can be deduced that D. Esculentum is a rich source of
medically important phytochemicals. Further work is required, so that these phytochemicals can be
explored in the management of various chronic diseases.
Antimicrobial activity, antioxidant, Diplazium esculentum, methanol extract, phytochemicals, proximate.
Graphical Abstract
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