Search Result "proton-rich isotopes"

Stable-Isotope Labeling for Protein Quantitation by Mass Spectrometry

Journal: Current Proteomics
Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Year: 2010 Page: 144-155
Author(s): Kolbrun Kristjansdottir, Stephen J. Kron

PET Designated Flouride-18 Production and Chemistry

Journal: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Year: 2010 Page: 1048-1059
Author(s): Orit Jacobson, Xiaoyuan Chen

17O-Isotope Labeling and Hydrogen-Bonded Structure Investigation in Peptides and Polypeptides by Solid State 17O NMR

Journal: Current Organic Chemistry
Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Year: 2001 Page: 1001-1015
Author(s): Shigeki Kuroki, Kazuo Yamauchi, Isao Ando, Akira Shoji, Takuo Ozaki

(Bio)chemical Labelling Tools for Studying Absorption & Metabolism of Dietary Phenols - An Overview

Journal: Current Organic Chemistry
Volume: 16 Issue: 5 Year: 2012 Page: 663-690
Author(s): Denis Barron, Candice Smarrito-Menozzi, Florian Viton

Quantitative Analysis of Microbial Metabolism in the Human Large Intestine

Journal: Current Nutrition & Food Science
Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Year: 2008 Page: 109-126
Author(s): Alvaro Belenguer, Sylvia H. Duncan, Grietje Holtrop, Harry J. Flint, Gerald E. Lobley

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance as a Tool in Drug Discovery, Metabolism and Disposition

Journal: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 1 Issue: 5 Year: 2001 Page: 427-441
Author(s): Susan Sondej Pochapsky, Thomas C. Pochapsky

Chemistry in Proteomics: An Interplay between Classical Methods in Chemical Modification of Proteins and Mass Spectrometry at the Cutting Edge

Journal: Current Proteomics
Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Year: 2006 Page: 33-54
Author(s): Takashi Nakazawa

Conformational Analysis of Proteins and Peptides

Journal: Current Organic Chemistry
Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2003 Page: 1841-1854
Author(s): Xianmei Cai, Chhabil Dass

Application of Mass Spectrometry for Metabolite Identification

Journal: Current Drug Metabolism
Volume: 7 Issue: 5 Year: 2006 Page: 503-523
Author(s): Shuguang Ma, Swapan K. Chowdhury, Kevin B. Alton

Monitoring Intermolecular and Intramolecular Interactions by NMR Spectroscopy

Ebook: Applications of NMR Spectroscopy
Volume: 3 Year: 2015
Author(s): Juliana Fattori,Fábio H.S. Rodrigues,João G.M. Pontes,Ana Paula Espíndola,Ljubica Tasic
Doi: 10.2174/9781681080628115030008

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