Search Result "Indistinguishability"
Early Genetic Changes Involved in Low-Grade Astrocytic Tumor Development
Journal: Current Molecular Medicine
Volume: 6 Issue: 6 Year: 2006 Page: 645-650
Author(s): Dolores Arjona, Juan Antonio Rey, Shirley M. Taylor
New Record of Two Medicinal Plants, Exallage Auricularia and GomphostemmaOvatum, from Ultapani Reserve Forest, Northeast India
Journal: Current Indian Science
Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Year: 2024 Page: 1-7
Antiviral Drug Discovery and Development for Mayaro Fever â What do we have so far?
Journal: Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 20 Issue: 10 Year: 2020 Page: 921-928
Author(s): Marcos V.P. Mello,Thaisa F.S. Domingos,Davis F. Ferreira,Mariana M.J. Ribeiro,Thayssa P. Ribeiro,Carlos R. Rodrigues,Alessandra M.T. Souza
Ebook: Scientific Natural Philosophy
Volume: 1 Year: 2011
Author(s): E. E. Escultura
Doi: 10.2174/978160805178611101010165
Counting particles in microscopic systems
Ebook: Frontiers in Nuclear and Particle Physics
Volume: 2 Year: 2019
Author(s): Cédric Simenel
Doi: 10.2174/9781681087641119020009
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Serious Infections: Mono or Combination Antimicrobial Therapy?
Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 15 Issue: 5 Year: 2008 Page: 517-522
Author(s): Matteo Bassetti, Elda Righi, Claudio Viscoli
Imagined World, Dreamworld, and Beyond. The Architecture of the City as a Distraction Machine in âLost in Translationâ
Ebook: Architecture in Cinema
Volume: 1 Year: 2024
Author(s): Elmira A. Gür,IÅıl Baysan Serim
Doi: 10.2174/9789815223316124010013
Functional Roles of EF-Hands in Human Potassium Channel-Interacting Protein 2.2
Journal: Protein & Peptide Letters
Volume: 16 Issue: 9 Year: 2009 Page: 1081-1087
Author(s): Liya Lee, Ku-Chung Chen, Long-Sen Chang
Pharmacologic Treatment with GABAB Receptor Agonist of Methamphetamine-Induced Cognitive Impairment in Mice
Journal: Current Neuropharmacology
Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Year: 2011 Page: 109-112
Author(s): Hiroyuki Mizoguchi, Kiyofumi Yamada