Search Result "serum fibrinogen"
Mechanisms of Fibrinogen Adsorption at Solid Substrates
Journal: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 14 Issue: 6 Year: 2014 Page: 702-729
Author(s): Zbigniew Adamczyk, Anna Bratek-Skicki, Paulina Zeliszewska, Monika Wasilewska
Fibrinogen: A Predictor of Vascular Disease
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Year: 2007 Page: 1647-1659
Author(s): A. I. Kakafika, E. N. Liberopoulos, D. P. Mikhailidis
The Value of Serum Fibrinogen/Uric Acid Ratio as a Novel Marker of FetalGrowth Restriction in Preeclampsia at 34 Weeks
Journal: Current Women`s Health Reviews
Volume: 19 Issue: 2 Year: 2023 Page: 7-12
Author(s): Wisam Akram Ismael
Pretreatment Serum Fibrinogen Levels are Associated with Postoperative Distant Metastasis and Prognosis of Resected Lung Cancer Patient: A Retrospective Study
Journal: Current Signal Transduction Therapy
Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Year: 2017 Page: 49-57
Author(s): Effat Un Nesa,Muhammad Shahbaz,Cong Wang,Han Zhang,Xiao Y. Liu,Ying Sun,Li Jingyi,Muhammad Ijaz,Tamanna Khanam,Peng X. Chen,Yufeng Cheng
Physico-chemical Changes Induced in the Serum Proteins Immunoglobulin G and Fibrinogen Mediated by Methylglyoxal
Journal: Current Protein & Peptide Science
Volume: 21 Issue: 9 Year: 2020 Page: 916-923
Author(s): Shahnawaz Rehman,Mohammad Faisal,Abdulrahman A. Alatar,Saheem Ahmad
Human Fibrinogen Adsorption on Latex Particles at pH 7.4 Studied by Electrophoretic Mobility and AFM Measurements
Journal: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 14 Issue: 5 Year: 2014 Page: 640-648
Author(s): Anna Bratek-Skicki,Paulina Zeliszewska,Zbigniew Adamczyk
Targeting the Coagulation Factor Fibrinogen for Arthritis Therapy
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Volume: 12 Issue: 9 Year: 2011 Page: 1497-1506
Author(s): Harini Raghu, Matthew J. Flick
Searching for Differences between Fibrinogen and Fibrin that Affect the Initiation of Fibrinolysis
Journal: Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 6 Issue: 3 Year: 2008 Page: 181-189
Author(s): Russell F. Doolittle
Influence of Gender on C-Reactive Protein, Fibrinogen, and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate in Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Journal: Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Allergy Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Year: 2014 Page: 56-63
Author(s): Sevgi Yardim-Akaydin,Emel Caliskan-Can,Hikmet Firat,Sadik Ardic,Bolkan Simsek
Utility of Fibrinogen Levels for Predicting Survival and FunctionalOutcomes in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Meta-Analysis
Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 30 Issue: 4 Year: 2023 Page: 481-491