Search Result "particle bombardment"
Influenza a Hemagglutinin C-terminal Anchoring Peptide: Identification and Mass Spectrometric Study
Journal: Protein & Peptide Letters
Volume: 11 Issue: 4 Year: 2004 Page: 385-391
Author(s): Larisa V. Kordyukova, Aleksander L. Ksenofontov, Marina V. Serebryakova, Tatyana V. Ovchinnikova, Natalija V. Fedorova, Valeria T. Ivanova, Ludmila A. Baratova
Latent Fingerprint Visualization and Subsequent DNA Extraction Using Electron Beam Evaporation of Metallic Ultra-Thin Films
Journal: Current Nanoscience
Volume: 15 Issue: 3 Year: 2019 Page: 248-253
Author(s): Haiping Wang,Dongbo Mi,Wanxu Wang,Hongliang Zhang,Dongsheng Tong,Shengjiang Wang,Feng Gao
Recent Patents on Liquid Crystal Alignment
Journal: Recent Patents on Materials Science
Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Year: 2008 Page: 21-28
Author(s): Philip J. Martin
C20, C24 and C26 Nanocrystal Series
Journal: Current Nanoscience
Volume: 5 Issue: 4 Year: 2009 Page: 503-505
Author(s): Zhenxia Wang, Cuilan Ren, Zhenzhong Yong, Ruiqin Pan
Aerodynamics and Deposition Effects of Inhaled Submicron Drug Aerosol in Airway Diseases
Journal: Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery
Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2013 Page: 49-61
Author(s): Md. Faiyazuddin,Md. Mujahid,Talib Hussain,Hefazat H. Siddiqui,Aseem Bhatnagar,Roop K. Khar,Farhan J. Ahmad
Astatine-211: Production and Availability
Journal: Current Radiopharmaceuticals
Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Year: 2011 Page: 177-185
Author(s): Michael R. Zalutsky, Marek Pruszynski
Transgenic Grain Legumes
Ebook: Advances in Legume Research: Physiological Responses and Genetic Improvement for Stress Resistance
Volume: 1 Year: 2020
Author(s): Phetole Mangena,Esmerald Khomotso Michel Sehaole
Doi: 10.2174/9789811479625120010011
Size-Controlled Synthesis of CdS Quantum Dots in PVP Matrix
Journal: Micro and Nanosystems
Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Year: 2012 Page: 80-84
Author(s): L. Baruah, S. S. Nath
Review on FIB-Induced Damage in Diamond Materials
Journal: Current Nanoscience
Volume: 12 Issue: 6 Year: 2016 Page: 685-695
Author(s): Zhen Tong, Xiangqian Jiang, Xichun Luo, Qingshun Bai, Zongwei Xu, Liam Blunt, Yingchun Liang
Generation of Transgenic Energy Cane Plants with Integration of Minimal Transgene Expression Cassette
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Volume: 16 Issue: 5 Year: 2015 Page: 407-413
Author(s): Walid M. Fouad,Wu Hao,Yuan Xiong,Cody Steeves,Surinder K. Sandhu,Fredy Altpeter