Current Computer-Aided Drug Design aims to publish all the latest developments in drug design based on computational techniques. The field of computer-aided drug design has had an extensive impact in the area of drug design.
Dong-Qing WeiState Key Laboratory of Microbial Metabolism and College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai China
Associate Editor(s)
Zaheer Ul-Haq Dr. Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine & Drug Research University of Karachi Karachi Pakistan
Muhammad T. KhanInstitute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology The University of Lahore Lahore Pakistan
Regional Editor(s)
Ashesh Nandy Department of Physics Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Education Kolkata India
Section Editor(s)
Section: Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery
Wei Chen School of Life Sciences Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Chengdu China
Section: Machine Learning
Lin HuangSchool of Medicine Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai China
Section: Artificial Intelligence for Computer-Assisted Drug Discovery
Aman C. Kaushik School of Biomedical Informatics University of Texas Health Center at Houston Houston, TX USA
Section Editor(s)(Special Issues)
Sobia A. Halim
Natural and Medical Sciences Research Center
University of Nizwa
Fatma Latifoglu
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Erciyes University
Devadasan Velmurugan Department of Biotechnology SRM Institute of Science and Technology Tamil Nadu India
Editorial Board Member(s)
Esin Aki Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Ankara University Ankara Turkey
Anna M. Almerico Dipartimento Farmacochimico Tossicologico e Biologico Universita degli Studi di Palermo Palermo Italy
Krishnan BalasubramanianSchool of Molecular Sciences Arizona State University Tempe, AZ USA
Stefan Balaz Department of Pharmaceutical Science North Dakota State University Fargo, ND USA
Subhash C. Basak Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry University of Minnesota Duluth Duluth, MN USA
Rainer Bruggemann Department of Chemistry Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Waters Berlin Germany
Asim K. Debnath Lindsey F. Kimball Research Institute New York Blood Center New York, NY USA
David J. Diller Department of Microbiology and Immunology Wyeth Research Princeton, NJ USA
Jorg Galvez Department of Physical Chemistry Faculty of Pharmacy University of Valencia Valencia Spain
Humberto Gonzalez-DiazDepartment of Organic Chemistry II University of the Basque Country Leioa Spain
Michael Gromiha Department of Biotechnology Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras Chennai India
Dragos Horvath Department of Chemistry Universite de Strasbourg Strasbourg France
Rafik Karaman School of Pharmacy College of Sciences Basilicata University Potenza Italy
Youyong Li Department of Chemistry Soochow University Jiangsu China
Bo Liao Department of Information, School of Computer and Communication Hainan Normal University Haikou China
Maria A. Miteva French Health Research Institute University Paris Diderot Paris France
Jane S. Murray Department of Chemistry University of New Orleans Cleveland, OH USA
Vladimir A. Palyulin Department of Chemistry M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow Russia
Alberto Pérez Department of Chemistry Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY USA
Yenamandra S. Prabhakar Medicinal and Process Chemistry Division Central Drug Research Institute Lucknow India
Mihai V. Putz Department of Chemistry West University of Timisoara Timisoara Romania
Teodorico C. RamalhoDepartment of Chemistry Universidade Federal de Lavras Lavras-MG Brasil
Milan Randic Department of Mathematics and Computer Science National Institute of Chemistry Ljubljana Slovenia
Pedro A. RecheLaboratorio de Immuno Medicina Uiversidad Complutense de Madrid Madrid Spain
Ateeq Ur Rehman School of Computing Gachon University Seongnam South Korea
Kunal Roy Department of Pharmaceutical Technology Jadavpur University Kolkata India
Hongmao Sun Division of Preclinical Innovation Informatics NIH Chemical Genomics Center Rockville, MD USA
Roberto Todeschini Department of Environmental Sciences University of Milano-Bicocca Milano Italy
Andrey A. ToropovIRCCS-Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri Milano Italy
Francisco TorrensDepartment of Physical Chemistry Universitat de Valencia Valencia
Nenad Trinajstic Department of Mathematical, Physical & Chemical Sciences Croatian Academy of Sciences Zagreb Croatia
Hugo O. Villar Altoris Inc La Jolla, CA USA
Bruno O. Villoutreix INSERM U648 University of Paris Paris France
Donald F. Weaver Department of Medicine and Chemistry Dalhousie University Halifax Canada
Hong-Yu ZhangCollege of Life Science & Biotechnology Huazhong Agricultural University Wuhan China
Xiangwei Zhu Department of Environmental Science Sutro Biopharma South San Francisco California USA
Associate Editorial Board Member(s)
Gokulnath C. Babu Department of Computer Science and Engineering Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology Chennai India
Wenzheng Bao School of Information and Electrical Engineering Xuzhou University of Technology Xuzhou China