eISBN: 978-981-5080-35-3
ISBN: 978-981-5080-36-0
Extremophiles: Diversity, Adaptation and Applications brings up-to-date knowledge about different types of extremophiles, the fascinating group of microorganisms that love to live in extreme environmental conditions. The book consists of fourteen chapters, of which, the first provides an overview of all the major types of extremophiles and the relationship with their respective extreme environments. The chapters following this introduction explain the diversity of prokaryotes based on environmental conditions, adaptation mechanisms, and industrial applications. The book concludes with a summary of the diverse biotechnological and industrial applications of extremophiles, emphasizing the importance of these microorganisms for human welfare. The book is intended as a primary textbook reference that enriches the knowledge base of scholars in the field of microbiology and biotechnology. It can also serve as a secondary reference for anyone who is interested in research on extremophiles. Key Features: - Covers all the major types of extremophiles, including hyperthermophiles, psychrophiles, halophiles, acidophiles, alkaliphiles, xerophiles, oligotrophs, chemolithotrophs, anaerobes and others - Provides a fundamental overview of the microbiology of extreme environments - Supplements fundamentals with information about industrial and scientific applications - Presents information in a simple structured format suitable for learners - Includes references for further reading
eISBN: 978-981-5079-12-8
ISBN: 978-981-5079-13-5
The queen honey bee is known to mate with multiple drones, and can produce over a million offspring in its lifetime. Its presence is vital to the growth and survival of a beehive. This reference book is a detailed guide to queen honey bees. The book starts by providing deep insights into the fascinating biology of the queen honey bees, their morphometric features, developmental synchronicity, genetics, hormones, pheromones, colonial organization and swarming. Further, the book describes artificial queen rearing techniques that facilitate healthy bee colony growth and increase apiculture productivity. The book equips readers with all the knowledge they need to know about queen bee development, their role in the colony and improving the health of their colony. Key Features - 14 reader-friendly chapters that comprehensively present information about queen honey bees - Comprehensive coverage about queen bee biology, including their physical morphology, genetics, proteomics, development and behavior (including worker and drone interactions) - Information about the role of queen bees in colonial organization and life-cycle events - Practical information that helps to improve bee colony health for research and apiculture (disease mechanisms and control, artificial breeding) The book is an essential primary reference on queen honey bees for biology and entomology students, academicians and researchers at all educational levels. Apiculturists, bee keeping enthusiasts, and general readers interested in honey bees can also benefit from the breadth of information presented.
eISBN: 978-981-5123-82-1
ISBN: 978-981-5123-83-8
The Wax Moth: A Problem or a Solution? Covers the biology, development, morphometric characters, pheromones, mating and reproduction of the greater wax moth, which is a major pest in bee colonies. It also gives tips to beekeeping enthusiasts and professionals on how to manage wax moth infestations. Finally, it elucidates the involvement of wax moths in plastic degradation. Key Features · A complete overview of the basic biology of the greater wax moth · A quick guide on wax moth pest control · Tips for beekeepers to enhance colony growth for sustainable apiculture · Information for researchers on the wax moth’s involvement in plastic degradation · Simple text for readers of all levels · References for additional reading The Wax Moth: A Problem or a Solution? Is a comprehensive yet quick reference that is ideal for entomology and agriculture students, researchers, academicians and beekeepers (both professional and hobbyist).
eISBN: 978-981-5050-86-8
ISBN: 978-981-5050-87-5
Degenerative nerve diseases are age-related, progressive and cause irreversible neurological loss that may lead to death. Chronic diseases like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Huntington's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease are associated with insoluble protein depositions and pose serious health challenges that may intensify in the coming decades. Current therapies only help to alleviate some of the physical or mental symptoms associated with neurodegenerative diseases, although there is currently no remedy for slow disease progression. In recent years, attempts have been made to discover a mechanism for neurodegenerative diseases and prospective treatment that may help mitigate aging effects and prevent these diseases. Natural products have been a constant source of new approaches for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, in particular plant alkaloids and polyphenolic compounds. Indopathy for Neuroprotection: Recent Advances highlights herbal treatments that are preferred over conventional treatments in some regions. Book chapters focus on the effects of various medicinal plants that have shown promise in reversing pathological symptoms of neurodegenerative disease and highlight the neuroprotective role of medicinal herbal phytochemicals and their mechanism of action. The book serves as a reference for pharmacology and herbal medicine scholars as well as healthcare workers interested in information about alternative and complementary therapies for neurological disorders.
eISBN: 978-981-5049-01-5
ISBN: 978-981-5049-02-2
This handbook focuses on the use of antibiotic alternatives in poultry and fish feed. Chapters in the book cover a range of natural ingredients in feed and the impacts of these natural feed additives on growth, production, reproduction and health status of poultry and fish. All chapters give a holistic approach to how organic feed additives (herbal plants and their extracts, probiotics, peptides, etc.) can positively impact animal health and production. Key Features: - presents 13 chapters contributed by 38 experts and scientists of animal, poultry and fish nutrition, poultry and fish physiology, toxicology, pharmacology, and pathology - highlights the significance of herbal plants and their extracts and derivatives, cold-pressed and essential oils and fruits by-products - covers the effects of special ingredients such as immunomodulators, antimicrobial peptides, and probiotics - provides the reader an updated perspective on the use of additives in poultry and fish industry as growth promoters and their role in developing bacterial resistance to antibiotics - covers the main poultry species, egg-laying hens, quails, geese, ducks, turkey, and commercial fish - includes references for advanced readers This book will be useful for poultry and fish keepers and researchers in animal nutrition, pharmacology, and veterinary sciences. Professionals involved in the poultry and fish feed industry will also find the information useful for product development.
eISBN: 978-981-5051-00-1
ISBN: 978-981-5051-01-8
Intensive use of fossil-based energy sources causes significant environmental problems on a global scale. Researchers have been working for several decades to find alternative energy solutions to fossil fuels. Algae are a renewable energy source, with high potential for increasing scarce resources and reducing environmental problems caused by fossil fuel use. Algal Biotechnology for Fuel Applications gives the reader a comprehensive picture of the industrial use of algae for generating power. This book informs readers about the existence of alternative species to the currently used algae species for biofuel production, while also explaining the methods and current concepts in sustainable biofuel production. Key Features - Fifteen chapters covering topics on commercial algae species and algal biofuel production. - Covers anaerobic biotechnology and basic biofuel production from thermal liquefaction - Covers biodiesel production and algal biofuel characterization - Introduces the reader to applied microbial fuel cell technology and algae cultivation methods - Provides concepts about ecological engineering - Covers microalgae culture and biofuel production techniques - Explains the importance of catalysts - Explains the economic evaluation of algae fuel production technology This reference is essential reading for students and academics involved in environmental science, biotechnology, chemical engineering and sustainability education programs. It also serves as a reference for general readers who want to understand the ins and outs of algal biofuel technology.
eISBN: 978-981-5079-51-7
ISBN: 978-981-5079-52-4
Genetic disorders have been the focus of scientists for a long time. The emergence of next-generation sequencing techniques has ushered a new era in genetics and several developments have occurred in human genetics. The scientific perspective has also been widened with omics technologies that allow researchers to analyze genetic sequences and their expression products. An integrated approach is being used not only for diagnosis but also for disease management and therapeutic purposes. This book highlights emerging areas of omics technology and its application in the diagnosis and management of human genetic disorders. The book covers three areas of research and implementation: - Diagnosis (covering conventional strategies to next-generation platforms). This section focuses on the role of in silico analysis, databases and multi-omics of single-cell which will help in designing better management strategies. - Disease Management and therapeutic interventions. This section starts with genetic counselling and progresses to more specific techniques such as pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine, gene editing techniques and their applications in gene therapies and regenerative medicine. - Case studies. This section discusses the applications and success of all the above-mentioned strategies on selected human disorders. This book serves as a handy reference for students and academics studying advanced omics techniques in biochemistry and molecular genetics as part of courses in life sciences, pharmacology and medicine.
eISBN: 978-981-5079-30-2
ISBN: 978-981-5079-31-9
Bio-based polymers are materials that are produced from renewable resources. Their biodegradable properties are the driver of worldwide interest among researchers and manufacturers in recent years due to the demand and need for alternatives to fossil fuel based polymers. The use of biodegradable polymers creates a sustainable industry. In contrast, the raw materials for synthetic polymers derived from petrochemicals will eventually deplete and most of them are non-biodegradable. Despite these advantages, bio-based polymers account for only a tiny fraction of the total global plastic market. Non-biodegradability issues of synthetic pharmaceutical inactive ingredients strongly emphasized innovators towards the development of biopolymers. Recently natural biodegradable excipients gained significant attention due to their sustainability and engineered applications. Innovative technologies to transform these materials into value-added chemicals via novel graft-polymerization or co-processing techniques for the production of high-performance multifunctional and low-cost polymers with tunable structures are key parts of its sustainable development. Biopolymers Towards Green and Sustainable Development elaborates on important issues that surround bio-based polymers. It gives the reader an overview of biopolymers, the impact of non-biodegradable polymers on the environment and health, emerging sources of biodegradable polymers, structural and morphological characterization techniques, thermomechanical properties, biodegradable plastics from biopolymers, pharmaceutical, biomedical, and textile applications, and pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. with a brief on bibliometric. Moreover, a brief bibliometric meta-analysis on bio-based pharmaceutical excipients provides an update about teams involved in the development of polymeric research that may be of interest to anyone who wants to work on sustainable biopolymer projects. Key Features - provides an updated summary on recently discovered natural polymeric materials - gives a thorough breakdown of the vast range of biopolymer applications including fabrication of conventional and novel drug delivery, polymeric scaffolds, composites, microneedles, and green synthesis of metallic nanoparticles, -summarizes pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of the inactive pharmaceutical ingredient and excipients - presents a bibliometric meta-analysis indicating potential collaboration between country, organization, institution, and authors with a view on recent ongoing trends with biopolymers.
eISBN: 978-1-68108-964-5
ISBN: 978-1-68108-965-2
Terpenoids are commercially important chemicals found in essential oils and other natural plant sources. They are used in solving issues that affect agricultural production, making them a key component of sustainable agronomy. Terpenoids: Recent Advances in Extraction, Biochemistry and Biotechnology provides information about the varied use of terpenoids in the control of pests, microbial diseases, ticks, and weeds. Chapters have prioritized terpenoids produced by plants, endophytic fungi, propolis, and geopropolis. The book also provides focused information about the functions of terpenoids in plants, as well as their biosynthetic pathways of production. The reference provides readers with a broad and diverse picture of the applications of terpenoids in plant safety, and creates an awareness of the possibilities for innovative biotechnological approaches for their extraction that make all the difference to agricultural production. Professionals and scholars involved in chemical technology, biotechnology and agriculture will benefit from the information provided in the book. It also serves as a comprehensive update for general readers interested in terpenoids and their current impact on the agricultural industry.
eISBN: 978-1-68108-958-4
ISBN: 978-1-68108-959-1
Environmental Microbiology: Advanced Research and Multidisciplinary Applications focus on the current research on microorganisms in the environment. Contributions in the volume cover several aspects of applied microbial research, basic research on microbial ecology and molecular genetics. The reader will find a collection of topics with theoretical and practical value, allowing them to connect environmental microbiology to a variety of subjects in life sciences, ecology, and environmental science topics. Advanced topics including biogeochemical cycling, microbial biosensors, bioremediation, application of microbial biofilms in bioremediation, application of microbial surfactants, microbes for mining and metallurgical operations, valorization of waste, and biodegradation of aromatic waste, microbial communication, nutrient cycling and biotransformation are also covered. The content is designed for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and environmental professionals, with a comprehensive and up-to-date discussion of environmental microbiology as a discipline that has greatly expanded in scope and interest over the past several decades.