Current Metabolomics and Systems Biology (Discontinued)

Current Metabolomics and Systems Biology publishes full-length/mini reviews, original research articles, thematic issues, and technical notes covering all aspects of the recent advancements and applications of Omics technology to systems biology, disease diagnosis, personalized medicine, drug discovery, toxicity, nutrition and more

  • ISSN (Print): 2666-3384
  • ISSN (Online): 2666-3392
  • Volume: 8
  • Issues: 1, 2021
Current Metabolomics and Systems Biology (Discontinued)

Current Metabolomics and Systems Biology publishes full-length/mini reviews, original research articles, thematic issues, and technical notes covering all aspects of the recent advancements and applications of Omics technology to systems biology, disease diagnosis, personalized medicine, drug discovery, toxicity, nutrition and food, environmental studies, and functional genomics. While the journal emphasis metabolomics, manuscripts describing the application of other Omics technology (e.g., genomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics), especially in combination with metabolomics, to systems biology are also welcome. This includes the application of Omics technology to clinical studies. Manuscripts appropriate for Current Metabolomics and Systems Biology should emphasize the application, development or enhancement of Omics technology. Original research articles and reviews in the following areas of metabolomics and other Omics fields are of special interest to the readers of this journal:

  • Application of Omics to any and all biological systems including, but not limited, to: humans, animals, plants, microbes, microbiome, cell cultures, tissues, organs, food and biofluids
  • Automation and high-throughput technology
  • Bioinformatics
  • Characterization of new metabolites, proteins or genes identified as part of an Omics study
  • Chemometrics, statistical analysis, and other approaches to data analysis
  • Clinical applications
  • Databases, including collections of reference spectra or sequences
  • Disease biomarkers
  • Drug discovery, efficacy, toxicity, and personalized medicine
  • Integration of analytical techniques and/or various Omics datasets
  • Metanalysis of multiple Omics studies
  • Metabolic, protein or gene profiling and/or directed metabolite, protein and/or gene analysis
  • New analytical experiments and techniques
  • New methods to detect or identify novel metabolites, proteins or genes
  • Novel sensors and instrumentation for detecting metabolites, proteins or genes
  • Sample preparation, extraction techniques and chromatography
  • Software
  • Metabolism of drugs and xenobiotics and the development of quantitative methods for the targeted determination of specific metabolites