Current Drug Metabolism

Current Drug Metabolism aims to cover all the latest and outstanding developments in drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and drug disposition. The journal serves as an international forum for the publication of full-length/mini-review articles and guest-edited issues on drug metabolism. Current Drug Metabolism more

  • ISSN (Print): 1389-2002
  • ISSN (Online): 1875-5453
  • Volume: 26
  • Issues: 10, 2025
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Current Drug Metabolism

Aims & Scope

Current Drug Metabolism aims to cover all the latest and outstanding developments in drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and drug disposition. The journal serves as an international forum for the publication of full-length/mini-review articles and guest-edited issues on drug metabolism. Current Drug Metabolism is an essential journal for academic, clinical, government, and pharmaceutical scientists who wish to be kept informed and up-to-date with the most important developments. The journal covers the following general topic areas: pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, toxicology, and, most importantly, drug metabolism.

More specifically, the journal covers in vitro and in vivo drug metabolism of phase I and phase II enzymes or metabolic pathways; drug-drug interactions and enzyme kinetics; pharmacokinetics, pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling, and toxicokinetics; interspecies differences in metabolism or pharmacokinetics, species scaling, and extrapolations; drug transporters; target organ toxicity and interindividual variability in drug exposure-response; extrahepatic metabolism; and bioactivation, reactive metabolites, and developments for the identification of drug metabolites. It also includes preclinical and clinical reviews describing the drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics of marketed drugs or drug classes.