Current Biochemical Engineering (Discontinued)

Aims & Scope

Current Biochemical Engineering, is a peer-reviewed journal, publishing expert review articles, original research articles and guest edited issues on all the major advances in biochemical engineering.

The journal serves as a forum on current biochemical engineering applications more

  • ISSN (Print): 2212-7119
  • ISSN (Online): 2212-7127
  • Volume: 7
  • Issues: 1, 2021
Current Biochemical Engineering (Discontinued)

Aims & Scope

Current Biochemical Engineering, is a peer-reviewed journal, publishing expert review articles, original research articles and guest edited issues on all the major advances in biochemical engineering.

The journal serves as a forum on current biochemical engineering applications which are of use in the Food Science, Pharmaceuticals, Biocatalysis, Environmental Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Cell Culture Engineering, Biotechnology, water treatment industries, Metabolic Engineering, Systems and Synthetic Biology, Bioreactor Systems and Protein Engineering.