Photographs Across Time: Studies in Urban Landscapes

Author(s): Mary J. Thornbush and Sylvia E. Thornbush

DOI: 10.2174/9781608059843115010004


Pp: 3-9 (7)

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  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)

Photographs Across Time: Studies in Urban Landscapes


Author(s): Mary J. Thornbush and Sylvia E. Thornbush

Pp: 3-9 (7)

DOI: 10.2174/9781608059843115010004

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


This book examines the use of photography across two different but complementary disciplines. The first part focuses on the use of photography in landscape studies, revisiting several landscapes and weathering studies where digital photographs have demonstrated landscape change in urban areas through time. Archival studies are integrated as part of cross-temporal research applications of photographs. Much of this part of the book is based on work performed in Oxford, UK. The second part of the book focuses on the archaeological use of photographs, comprising churchyard studies throughout England and Scotland in the UK. The scientific application of (digital) photography is presented for research scientists (landscape experts) and professional practitioners. The book is also intended for archivists interested in records of urban environments and for those readers who are interested in the geographical scope of the British cities covered in this work, including Oxford, York, Scarborough, Dunbar, Edinburgh, and Inverness. This eBook is crossdisciplinary, comprising quantitative studies within geomorphology and heritage science as well as more qualitative work in the area of historical archaeology. The photographic record contained in this book makes it a storehouse of visual records through time made accessible to a broader audience as an online (eBook) resource.

Keywords: Churchyards, conservation, cross-spatial change, cross-temporal change, digital photography, epitaphs, fieldwork, headstone introductions, headstone shape, inscriptions, kirkyards, landscape change, material culture, motifs, O-IDIP, preservation, quantitative photography, rephotography, seriation, urban environments.

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