An ear is called a vestibule-cochlear organ since it enables to hear as well as
sense of balance to animals. The external portion of the ear consist of a flap known as
pinna and an opening at the base of the ear. Otitis externa is defined as an acute or
chronic inflammation of the epithelium of the external ear canal which may also
involve the pinna and it results from a combination of dynamic changes affecting the
anatomical, psychological and microbiological status of the external ear canal. The
etiological factors of the otitis externa can be categorised as predisposing factors,
primary causes, perpetuating factors and secondary causes. Predisposing factors are
those which increase the risk of developing otitis externa, whereas primary causes
directly induces otitis externa. These long-term alterations causes the skin to be
thicken, the canal to become stenosed, and a great deal of folds to form, all of which
prevent the area from being cleaned effectively and serve as a breeding ground for
secondary infections. Diagnosis of otitis externa is done by proper history and
symptomatology, roll smear examination for mites and other cytological evidence,
otoscopy, isolation and cultureantibiotic sensitivity test for selecting suitable antibiotic
for treatment.
Generally otitis externa can be treated by application of suitable cleansers, topical
antibiotic and anti fungal therapy along with corticosteroids. Sometimes it is difficult to
treat chronic and recurrent otitis externa.
Keywords: Cerumen secretions, Cytology, Dog, Otits externa, Topical antibiotic, Wax.