The chapter underscores the vital role of ear health in dogs, covering various aspects of the subject. It highlights the importance of a dog's ears in maintaining overall health and well-being, focusing on sensory perception, communication, balance, and orientation. The anatomy of the external ear is detailed, explaining the functions of its components. The diagnostic approach for otitis externa is described, involving observations, external ear canal cytology, diagnostic imaging, and differential diagnosis. Basic principles of ear cleaning are outlined, including restraint and handling, observation, and the cleaning process itself, performed manually or using advanced techniques and solutions. Prevention strategies are provided, promoting routine ear care, proper drying after water exposure, regular inspections, allergy management, and collaboration with veterinarians. This abstract offers a comprehensive overview of canine ear health, serving as a valuable resource for veterinarians, and dog owners interested in this subject.
Keywords: Cytology, Ear cleaners, Pus in ear, Wax.