The smart grid idea is implemented as a modern interpretation of the
traditional power grid; it enables a two-way flow of electricity and data, including
energy management, using different entities such as smart meters, appliances, and
renewable energy resources. The critical nature of smart grids evokes traditional
network attacks. Physical attacks, cyber-attacks, and natural disasters are significant
threats to smart grid deployment. These threats can lead to infrastructural failures and
various problems, including blackouts, energy theft, breaches of customer privacy, and
endangering safety of operating personnel.
The blockchain has some significant features, making it an applicable technology for
smart grid standards to solve security issues and trust challenges. We categorize the
blockchain applications in the smart grid into three categories: energy trading,
infrastructure management, and smart-grid operations management. We present
different methods for security enhancement of Smart Grids (SG) using blockchain
technology. A wide range of energy applications have suggested a suitable blockchain
architecture in smart grid operations, a sample block structure and the potential
blockchain technicalities employed in it. There is a need to critically examine the
security issues aimed at preventing possible threats or failures. Various security
challenges and threats are discussed with respect to their possible sources of
occurrence. The important research problems and possible future research directions
are presented for addressing smart grid security concerns using blockchain.
Keywords: Blockchain, Consensus, Smart grid, Security, Threats, Trust.