Our daily lives are now completely integrated with internet access. The way
we interact with one another, the way we meet new people, the way we communicate
information, the way we have fun, and the way we shop have been transformed as a
result. They have an impact on many of our daily activities. Today's digital
environment has made cybersecurity a requirement rather than a luxury. Cybersecurity
refers to a group of security techniques that can be used to protect user data and the
internet against attack and penetration. A cyber defense system's primary goal is for
data to be confidential, integral, and available.
With one of the world's fastest-rising technological hubs comes a heightened danger of
cyberattacks, but India has swiftly emerged as one of them. Indian companies are
dealing with a wide range of security issues, such as financial fraud, data breaches, and
state-sponsored attacks. One of the biggest and most significant forces of sustainable
economic and social growth is information technology.
More precisely, cyber security is now viewed as one of the most important components
in guaranteeing global sustainable development. It has been noted that the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) have prioritized cyber security to
protect the cyber environment. To achieve the objectives stated in the Nation for
Sustainable Development Goals, trust in ICT is essential. The goals of sustainable
development might be challenging to achieve in the absence of a stable and secure
The chapter highlights the part played in establishing stronger cyber security standards
as an impetus for sustainable development through the state, business, and other nonstate individuals. In addition to improving online security and protecting India from
cyber threats and vulnerabilities, more effective policymaking, improved tools and
techniques, cyber architectural designing, and collaborative efforts of private parties
like media, industry, civil societies, and other nations and international organizations
will also play a vital role towards achieving the global sustainable development goals.
Nations, as well as states, need essential cybersecurity that not only protects from the
current threats but also enables proactive protection against emerging and forthcoming
threats to be able to confidently respond to latest challenges as cyberattacks become
more complex.
Keywords: Challenges, Cyber security, Information technology, ICT, Sustainable development.