Due to rapid globalization and spread of digital technology, businesses and
employees are under pressure to adapt to them. The term “digitalization” in the
business world currently refers to the requirement for businesses to adopt it if they wish
to stay current. Previous research has concentrated on how digitalization affects
marketing and organizational effectiveness, including consumer preferences, buying
trends, and customer relationship management. However, academic research,
especially that on HRM, tends to place less emphasis on how it influences internal
business. Therefore, the objective of this study is to gain more knowledge about
Human Resource Management in the digital era. This study seeks to demonstrate how
digital HRM can enhance organizational performance.
This study relied on secondary data from various sources such as business reports, realworld examples, websites, professional blogs, and research papers. The aim was to
examine the advantages and challenges of implementing digital transformation in
human resource management, using illustrative cases of organizations with innovative
business practices. The findings of this research are of great importance for corporate
organizations looking to adopt digital human resource management and enhance
overall organizational performance.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Big data, Digitalization, Human resource management, Organisation performance.