Eryngium foetidum L. is an important medicinal and aromatic plant of the
family Apiaceae. The plant is extensively used in traditional medicine and for culinary
purposes. The essential oil of the plant has very high economic value in both national
and international markets due to its application in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and
perfumery industries. The plant is generally propagated through seeds. However, due to
low seed viability, the plant is restricted to certain regions, which in turn hinders the
commercial application of the medicinal plant. Therefore, quick and mass
multiplication of the plant is needed, which may be accomplished by micropropagation. This is necessary in order to satisfy the ever-increasing demand of the
pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. In this chapter, a variety of methods for
micropropagation have been explained, each of which utilises a different component of
the plant as an explant.
Keywords: Eryngium foetidum, in vitro propagation, kinetin, micropropagation, nodal explant, rooting, somatic embryogenesis, adjuvant.