SHS investigation development is considered from the geographical and historical viewpoint. 3 stages are described. Within Stage 1 the work was carried out in the Department of the Institute of Chemical Physics in Chernogolovka where the scientific discovery had been made. At Stage 2 the interest to SHS arose in different cities and towns of the former USSR. Within Stage 3 SHS entered the international scene. Now SHS processes and products are being studied in more than 50 countries.
Early endoscope was developed about 50 years ago. It was initially
developed as a diagnostic tool. Since then, several modifications in endoscopes have
been made with many developments in endoscopic accessories. In the current era,
endoscopy is used for both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Endoscopic
accessories are essential tools for therapeutic endoscopic procedures. Endoscopic
accessories are specially designed devices that pass through accessory channel of the
endoscope & therapeutic endoscopic procedures. Routinely encountered endoscopic
endoscopy needs commonly available endoscopic accessories. Common clinical
problems in day to day practice are gastrointestinal tract bleeding, gastrointestinal tract
foreign bodies, gastrointestinal tract strictures and the requirement of enteral access for
enteral feeding. These procedures can be carried out in a day-to-day practice after
gaining adequate experience and knowledge about the procedures. Commonly used
endoscopic accessories can be divided into hemostatic devices, foreign Body (FB)
removal devices, feeding tubes, biopsy forceps and dilators. Hemostatic devices are
endoscopic accessories to control bleeding from the GI tract. Bleeding from the GI
tract may be of variceal or non-variceal origin and accordingly different devices may
be required. Various types of foreign body ingested can be encountered during clinical
practice which can be dealt with different endoscopic accessories. Enteral feeding is a
safe, effective and physiological means of providing enteral nutrition. Depending on
the clinical situation, gastric or naso-jejunal enteral access may be required for enteral
nutrition. Feeding tubes can be placed endoscopically for enteral access. Different
types of feeding tubes are available. Biopsy forceps are tissue acquisition devices for
diagnostic purposes.
Achalasia cardia, APC, Dilator, Endoscopy, Endoscopic accessories, Esophageal stricture, Enteral feeding, Endoscopic band ligation, Feeding tubes, Epinephrine, Foreign Body, Gold probe, Hemostasis, Hemoclips, Heater probe, Injection needles, Non-variceal bleed, Pneumatic balloon, Protein coagulation, Variceal bleed.
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Authors:Bentham Science Books