Vitiligo is an abiding acquired skin disorder caused by the epidermal
disappearance of pigment cells of localized and general skin mucosa, characterized by
the appearance of symmetrical patches on the skin. The exact cause of this disorder is
unknown, but genetic susceptibility, melanocyte growth factor deficiency,
autoimmunity, and some neurological and environmental factors are believed to play a
triggering role. Although no drugs are completely successful in managing this disorder,
many different approaches, such as topical corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors,
transplantation, newly emerged phototherapy, or the combination approaches, however,
have shown positive results and have helped to restore skin tone in people with small
areas of depigmentation. The association of the adverse effects such as redness, itching,
burning, pruritis, xerosis cutis, or potential risk of skin cancer and the high treatment
cost with these therapies has necessitated the development of other newer treatment
approaches such as phytotherapy for vitiligo. Also, novel drugs are being developed
that either stimulate the melanocytes, like afamelanotide, or help control or protect the
melanocytes. Many herbal drugs have been reported beneficial in the treatment of
vitiligo, which has been shown to stimulate melanogenesis, proliferation or migration
of melanocytes or have immunomodulatory properties. Further research on herbal
drugs should be extended to develop safe, effective and affordable treatments for