SHS investigation development is considered from the geographical and historical viewpoint. 3 stages are described. Within Stage 1 the work was carried out in the Department of the Institute of Chemical Physics in Chernogolovka where the scientific discovery had been made. At Stage 2 the interest to SHS arose in different cities and towns of the former USSR. Within Stage 3 SHS entered the international scene. Now SHS processes and products are being studied in more than 50 countries.
With the growing population, resource production and utilization, including
citrus fruit consumption, have amplified tremendously. Citrus foods include sweet
orange, sweet blood orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, lime, and Seville orange.
Industrial processing of citrus fruits is done to produce various end products like juice
concentrates, jams, jellies, sweets, candies, marmalades, and ice creams, which
simultaneously produce tons of peels and waste as well. Like all industrial waste
dumping, the negligent discard of citrus waste has legal repercussions. Therefore, the
global treatment seems to be a virtuous option, which results in improved earnings,
thereby ultimately reducing the reprocessing expenditure.
Conversely, despite the low cost, citrus waste management and valorization still have
not reached a virtue that makes it an ideal candidate. Valorization technically refers to
the process of industrial recycling or waste composting into commercially valuable
products. To fix the citrus wast essential to understand the various ways to recycle and
manage the left-over better. This requires research and knowledge of different
techniques involved in the commercial utilization of citrus waste for the production of
various components, counting-essential oils, flavonoids, pectin, enzymes, ethanol and
methane etc., along with the applications of these bioactive components in various
ventures. This study summarizes the bioactive components obtained from citrus foods
and their possible industrial utilization.
Biofuel, Citrus waste, D-limonene, Dietary fibre (DF), Essential oil, Enzymes, Flavonoids, Hydro-distillation (HD), Industrial processing, Microwave-assisted Steam Distillation (MSD), Microwave Hydro-diffusion and gravity method (MHG), Nutritious supplement, Organic Acids, Pectin, Pharmaceutics and Cosmetics, Single Cell Protein (SCP), Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE), Subcritical Water Extraction method (SWE), Ultrasonic-Accelerated Extraction method (UAE), Valorization.
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Authors:Bentham Science Books