The farming sector is considered the backbone of the Indian economy. The
demand for water is continuously increasing with rising population density. Water is
frequently wasted on the land due to unscientific irrigation techniques and
unpredictable weather conditions. The efficiency of irrigation networks is challenged
by the extremely variable and farmer-dependent irrigation water demand. Each farm's
irrigation intensity is influenced by both accurate and inaccurate variables, as well as
the farmer's behaviour. Accurate and inaccurate variables include soil moisture, crop’s
water requirement, and climate conditions. An auto solar-powered smart irrigation
system enables users to accurately time watering cycles by tracking the soil moisture at
numerous sites across the field. This system also brings down the utilization of grid
power to save electricity as per the energy crisis for Indian farmers. The objective of
our work is to use an automated watering system to reduce the farmer's manual
involvement in the field at an effective cost. The artificial intelligence (AI) system is
based on sensing a control mechanism with required correction for the maximum
yielding of irrigation. It also optimizes the water requirement of a variety of crops. A
more accessible and more affordable solution to this issue is provided by the present
work. The conventional methods of irrigation used in India are sprinklers and floodtype systems. A large amount of water gets wasted, and crops are destroyed due to the
uneven slopes of the field. These problems can be resolved by incorporating an
intelligent automated irrigation system with an AI.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Solar Energy, Irrigation, Microcontroller, Smart System.