Purpose: In general, the role of AI and IoT in increasing the performance level of businesses has
been discussed here to establish understandable data with several objectives regarding
future potentials, business growth, and relevant challenges. Therefore, how different
industrial businesses are using these two variables in their workplace cultures have
been prioritized in the entire study.
Research: Method:
Secondary qualitative research method has been followed throughout the review work
by aligning the systematic review and thematic analysis to get a clear overview of the
topic. All the data have been collected between the published year- 2017- 2021 based
on several inclusion criteria for numerous relevant measures. The researcher has
counted on all essential methodological tools such as positivism philosophy,
descriptive design, and deductive approach to make the study reliable.
Findings: The business sector units are focusing on their various departmental improvements
such as Human Resources, supply chain, logistics, data transfer, etc. and others have
been found to work efficiently with the help of AI and IoT automation sensors'
productivity. Furthermore, it has been proved that the selection of topics has been
beneficial to get expected findings by using various journals in similar regard.
Hence, the conclusion section has illustrated how efficiently the researcher achieved
the knowledge of the topic by focusing on its various relatable factors to improve the
performances in businesses. Researching such a topic based on the current global
scenario is found advantageous to move with the interest for further studies.
Keywords: AI, IoT, Industrial growth , Performance management , Technologies.