Terpenoids Produced by Plant Endophytic Fungi from Brazil and their Biological Activities: A Review from January 2015 To June 2021

Pp: 39-66 (28)

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Terpenoids: Recent Advances in Extraction, Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Terpenoids Produced by Plant Endophytic Fungi from Brazil and their Biological Activities: A Review from January 2015 To June 2021

Author(s): Lourivaldo Silva Santos*, Giselle Skelding Pinheiro Guilhon, Railda Neyva Moreira Araujo, Antonio José Cantanhede Filho, Manoel Leão Lopes Junior, Haroldo da Silva Ripardo Filho and Kiany Sirley Brandão Cavalcante

Pp: 39-66 (28)

DOI: 10.2174/9781681089645122010005

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Endophytic fungi are fungi that live inside plant tissues at any moment of their life cycle without causing damage or disease symptoms to their hosts. These microorganisms are producers of important substances with several biological activities. Terpenoids are one of the main classes of natural products produced by endophytic fungi, and have a wide range of biological activities, such as antiinflammatory, anticancer, antioxidant, antifungal, antimicrobial, anticholinesterase, antidepressant, antipyretic, antimalarial, among others. Brazil has one of the largest plant reserves on the planet, consisting of an almost untapped source of endophytic fungi. Thus, in this review chapter, we present the results of the research work of Brazilian researchers, with a focus on the isolation and identification of secondary metabolites of the terpenoid class produced by endophytic fungi and their biological activities. The review period includes January 2015 and June 2021.

Keywords: Bioactive Compounds, Diterpenoids, Endophytic Fungi, Isoprenoids, Meroterpenes, Microorganism, Monoterpenes, Monoterpenoids Diterpenes, Sesquiterpenes, Sesquiterpenoids, Terpenoids, Terpenes, Triterpenes, Triterpenoids.

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