Coherent Wireless Power Charging and Data Transfer for Electric Vehicles

Author(s): Chih-Cheng Huang and Chun-Liang Lin

DOI: 10.2174/9781681089461122010010

Coherent Wireless Power and Data Transfer

Pp: 97-110 (14)

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  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)

Coherent Wireless Power Charging and Data Transfer for Electric Vehicles

Coherent Wireless Power and Data Transfer

Author(s): Chih-Cheng Huang and Chun-Liang Lin

Pp: 97-110 (14)

DOI: 10.2174/9781681089461122010010

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


A wireless electric vehicle (EV) battery charger contains two units: a
primary unit and a secondary unit. The charger conducts grid-to-vehicle or vehicle-t-
-grid power transmission by using a magnetic link. In general, the two units of the
aforementioned charger communicate through radiofrequency communication
technology, such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. The data transferred in such communication
include the EV’s identification number, battery status, and active control commands.
The use of communication devices results in increased costs. Moreover, radiofrequency
communication is associated with signal interference and low real-time performance.
This chapter proposes a method for coherent wireless power and data transfer. The
method includes handshaking communication, current trimming, and the attachment of
data to modulated digital data by using a magnetic link. This method also supports the
transmission of real-time messages from the secondary unit through a carry wave.

Keywords: Bluetooth, Current trimming method, Data attachment method, Grid to vehicle (G2V), Handshaking communication, Vehicle to grid (V2G), Wi-Fi.

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