SHS investigation development is considered from the geographical and historical viewpoint. 3 stages are described. Within Stage 1 the work was carried out in the Department of the Institute of Chemical Physics in Chernogolovka where the scientific discovery had been made. At Stage 2 the interest to SHS arose in different cities and towns of the former USSR. Within Stage 3 SHS entered the international scene. Now SHS processes and products are being studied in more than 50 countries.
The human bone marrow microenvironment (HBMM) plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis, growth, survival and drug resistance of multiple myeloma (MM) cells. The growing number of information about the HBMM in MM has allowed the definition of a new paradigm and the design of novel approaches against this disease, taking in account the need to target not only tumor cells but also the non-tumor compartment. Novel drugs such as thalidomide, lenalidomide or bortezomib are one example of these new strategies and have already been included in clinics. However, the lack of adequate experimental models for the study of both compartments has significantly limited the identification of new targets as well as a wide screening of several new investigational drugs. Therefore, novel preclinical models recapitulating the HBMM together with genomic studies might provide new insights into mechanisms of new drugs and their molecular targets.
Multiple myeloma, bone marrow microenvironment, SCID-hu, mouse models
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Authors:Bentham Science Books