Geology: Current and Future Developments

Author(s): Deolinda Flores and Isabel Suárez-Ruiz

DOI: 10.2174/9781681084633117010004

Organic Petrology in the Study of Dispersed Organic Matter

Pp: 34-76 (43)

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  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)

Geology: Current and Future Developments

Organic Petrology in the Study of Dispersed Organic Matter

Author(s): Deolinda Flores and Isabel Suárez-Ruiz

Pp: 34-76 (43)

DOI: 10.2174/9781681084633117010004

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


The dispersed organic matter (DOM) in sedimentary sequences derives from biological precursors and experiences changes during burial in sedimentary basins over millions of years. Organic petrology is an essential tool in the study of DOM due to its importance in exploration for fossil fuel resources, although organic matter represents the lowest amount fraction in sedimentary rocks. The study of the type and amount of organic matter, as well as the source and depositional environment define the organic facies and type of kerogen for establishing the hydrocarbon source potential of rocks during the exploration for both conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon resources. Furthermore, optical parameters have been established to determine the organic maturity and therefore, the paleotemperature history of sedimentary sequences, as organic matter is the most temperature-sensitive constituent present in sedimentary rocks.

Keywords: Dispersed organic matter (DOM), Organic petrography, Organic petrology, DOM classification, Thermal maturity.

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