SHS investigation development is considered from the geographical and historical viewpoint. 3 stages are described. Within Stage 1 the work was carried out in the Department of the Institute of Chemical Physics in Chernogolovka where the scientific discovery had been made. At Stage 2 the interest to SHS arose in different cities and towns of the former USSR. Within Stage 3 SHS entered the international scene. Now SHS processes and products are being studied in more than 50 countries.
Human activities could have important impacts on weather and climate at local, regional and global scales. However, it is also important to realise that climate has always been naturally changing with time. Modelling global climate change is very difficult and subjective. The techniques used and results obtained in climate modelling provoke controversy, therefore there are huge uncertainties with the ’predictions‘ provided from all the existing climate modelling systems.
weather control, cloud seeding, storm prevention, climate forcing, climate feedback, natural variability, climate modelling
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Authors:Bentham Science Books