This review will cover the entire hit identification process performed with biocompatible, aqueous solvated, poly[ethylene glycol] (PEG) based resins - from synthesis, through screening, to analysis. The different types of resins (including their preparation) will be discussed and compared individually. Examples of one-bead-one-compound substrate libraries will be presented, as will one-bead-two-compounds libraries used for the discovery of enzyme inhibitors. The review includes a section covering organic and bio-organic reactions performed on all-PEG resins and discusses on-bead screening of the libraries with biomolecules. Finally, analysis of compounds on single beads, either via investigation by on-bead NMR or by ladder-coding of the combinatorial compound is covered. In general, the review will focus on chemistry, libraries, synthesis, screening, and analysis, using all-PEG based resins.
Keywords: on-bead, resins, proteases, inhibitors, substrates, synthesis, peg, hr mas nmr