Buckwheat, a member of the Fagopyrum genus in the Polygonaceae family, is an ancient pseudocereal with noteworthy nutraceutical properties that have been relatively less explored. This crop holds great promise for the future due to its gluten-free protein, wellbalanced amino acid profile, and the presence of bioactive flavonoids that promote good health. With its gluten-free nature and a combination of beneficial nutritional components, buckwheat shows significant potential for a variety of health benefits. The objective of the present review aims to explore various nutritional and pharmacological properties of buckwheat. With the help of various search engines such as, Pubmed, Google and Semantic Scholar, research and review papers were carefully investigated and summarized in a comprehensive review. A fascinating spectrum of nutritional and pharmacological activities of common buckwheat and Tartary buckwheat were explored such as antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, neurological disorders, antiobesity, anticancer, cardiovascular agents and many more. This review provides a concise overview of the current understanding of the chemical composition of both common buckwheat and Tartary buckwheat and the captivating spectrum of pharmacological activity and also underscoring their immense potential for future advancements.
Keywords: Buckwheat, Tartary Buckwheat, anti-obesity, anticancer, cardiovascular agents, antidiabetic.