Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening

Author(s): Sumit Aggarwal*, Amit Kumar Singh, Sivaraman Balaji and Deepti Ambalkar

DOI: 10.2174/1386207324666210301093001

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Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Its Changing Scenario: A Scoping Review

Page: [1630 - 1638] Pages: 9

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and reproductive tract infections (RTIs) have existed worldwide since ancient times, causing significant morbidity and mortality. To maintain healthy sexual and reproductive life, it is highly essential to prevent STIs, RTIs and related illnesses. STIs are transmitted by transaction of body fluids among people during sexual intercourse. The etiological agents for STIs are bacteria, viruses and parasites in most cases, but proportions by different aetiology are varying. Various studies have shown that STIs are increasing, and their primary aetiology is changing worldwide, which should be considered seriously and needs necessary actions. Several factors related to hosts and disease-causing agents have been identified to influence STIs' current strategies in the prevention and control program. The present study attempts to review the history, changing aetiology and antimicrobial resistance in STIs. This review has also highlighted the prevalence of STIs at the global level and their past and present trends in India, emphasizing future challenges and perspectives for making effective public health policies to prevent and control STIs.

Keywords: STIs, RTIs, reproductive health, infectious agents, antimicrobial resistance, STI policies.

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