Background: Several compounds have been synthesized as a therapeutic alternative for heart failure; however, its preparation requires special conditions.
Objective: The aim of this study, was to synthesize some aniline derivatives (4-9) from 3- ethynylaniline to evaluate their biological activity against heart failure.
Methods: The synthesis of aniline derivatives involved a series of reactions such as etherification, addition, and cyclization. The structure of all compounds obtained was confirmed by spectroscopic and spectrometric methods. In addition, to evaluate the biological activity of compounds, an ischemia/reperfusion injury model was used.
Results: The results showed that compound 8 decreases heart failure, which translates into a decrease in the infarction area compared to compounds 4-7 and 9.
Conclusion: This study reports a facile method for the preparation of aniline derivatives. This method offers some advantages such as; a simple procedure, low cost, and easy work up. In addition, compound 8 showed an interesting biological activity against heart failure. This phenomenon is particularly interesting because the biological activity induced by this compound could involve a molecular mechanism that is different from other drugs used for the treatment of heart failure.
Keywords: Synthesis, aniline, derivatives, etherification, heart failure, biological activity.