CD24, is a mucin-like GPI-anchored molecules. By immunohistochemistry, it is widely detected
in many solid tumors, such as breast cancers, genital system cancers, digestive system cancers,
neural system cancers and so on. The functional roles of CD24 are either fulfilled by combination with
ligands or participate in signal transduction, which mediate the initiation and progression of neoplasms.
However, the character of CD24 remains to be intriguing because there are still opposite voices
about the impact of CD24 on tumors. In preclinical studies, CD24 target therapies, including monoclonal
antibodies, target silencing by RNA interference and immunotherapy, have shown us brighten
futures on the anti-tumor application. Nevertheless, evidences based on clinical studies are urgently
needed. Here, with expectancy to spark new ideas, we summarize the relevant studies about CD24
from a tumor perspective.
CD24, cancer, mAb, immunotherapy, lymphocytes, granulocytes.
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Zhang W, Yi B, Wang C, et al. Silencing of CD24 Enhances the PRIMA-1-induced restoration of mutant p53 in prostate cancer cells. Clin Cancer Res 2016; 22(10): 2545-54.