Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening

Author(s): Awinash Kumar* and Pradip Lingfa

DOI: 10.2174/1386207323666200219123459

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Physico-chemical Characterization of Hydrochloric Acid-treated Kaolin Clay: An Industry Approach as a Potential Catalyst

Page: [205 - 213] Pages: 9

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Aims and Objective: This study explains the FT-IR, XRD, XRF, SEM/EDX, TGA, and DSC/DTA characterization of commercially available kaolin clay. The objective of this paper is to explore the prominent utilization of kandites clay and useful chemical aspects for the modification of kaolin clay minerals.

Materials and Methods: The untreated kaolin sample has been procured in this experimental work from AksharChem, Gujrat, India. The kaolin clay was treated with 4M hydrochloric acid. FT-IR, XRD, XRF, SEM/EDX, TGA, and DSC/DTA characterization methods have been used.

Results: Loss on ignition was found at 10.89%. The fingerprint region of the acid-treated sample has broad and more bending vibrations than untreated samples. The high weight percentage of Ti and CaCO3 were spotted in the scanning electron micrograph by both atomic % and weight %. The FT-IR revealed the functional group of Al-O, A1-OH, and Si-O.

Conclusion: The morphology indicates that the presences of large particles are in the form of agglomerates. It was found that impurity like scandium vanished and manganese traced by the same atomic % 0.01 of zinc which had no presence after acid treatment. Thermogravimetric analysis indicates the sharp increments in heat flow in-between temperatures 0°C to 200°C and consequently increments in between 500°C to 550°C, a suitable range for the pyrolysis. Low amount of alumina and high amount of silica has been found out. TGA and DTA analysis satisfy the waste plastic valorization temperature ranges.

Keywords: Acid-activation, catalyst, kaolin clay, morphology, physico-chemical characteristics, spectroscopy.

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