Search Result "peptide microarray"
Recent Advances in Peptide-Based Microarray Technologies
Journal: Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening
Volume: 7 Issue: 6 Year: 2004 Page: 547-556
Author(s): Resmi C. Panicker, Xuan Huang, Shao Q. Yao
Peptide Microarrays: Next Generation Biochips for Detection, Diagnostics and High-Throughput Screening
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Year: 2008 Page: 2428-2438
Author(s): Mahesh Uttamchandani, Shao Q. Yao
A peptide microarray fabricated on a non-fouling phosphatidylcholine-polymer-coated surface for a high-fidelity analysis of a cellular kinome
Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 20 Issue: 35 Year: 2013 Page: 4419-4425
Author(s): H. Ikeda,J. Kamimoto,T. Yamamoto,A. Hata,Y. Otsubo,T. Niidome,M. Fukushima,T. Mori,Y. Katayama
Strategies for Immobilization of Biomolecules in a Microarray
Journal: Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening
Volume: 7 Issue: 3 Year: 2004 Page: 213-221
Author(s): Dawn S. Y. Yeo, Resmi C. Panicker, Lay-Pheng Tan, Shao Q. Yao
Applications of Protein Microarray Technology
Journal: Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening
Volume: 10 Issue: 8 Year: 2007 Page: 706-718
Author(s): Sheng-Ce Tao, Chien-Sheng Chen, Heng Zhu
Protein Kinase Substrate Profiling with a High-Density Peptide Microarray
Journal: Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening
Volume: 13 Issue: 9 Year: 2010 Page: 777-789
Author(s): Xiaoming Han, Tatsuhiko Sonoda, Takeshi Mori, Go Yamanouchi, Takayuki Yamaji, Syuhei Shigaki, Takuro Niidome, Yoshiki Katayama
Microarray Technology as a Universal Tool for High-Throughput Analysis of Biological Systems
Journal: Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening
Volume: 9 Issue: 5 Year: 2006 Page: 365-380
Author(s): Jens Sobek, Kerstin Bartscherer, Anette Jacob, Jvrg D. Hoheisel, Philipp Angenendt
Microarray Technologies for Intracellular Kinome Analysis
Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 21 Issue: 22 Year: 2014 Page: 2542-2552
Author(s): T. Yamamoto,T. Mori,Y. Katayama
Proteomic Studies Using Microarrays
Journal: Current Proteomics
Volume: 1 Issue: 4 Year: 2004 Page: 283-295
Author(s): Tanja Feilner, Jurgen Kreutzberger, Birgit Niemann, Armin Kramer, Alexandra Possling, Harald Seitz, Birgit Kersten
The Application of DNA Microarrays to the Study of Cancer
Journal: Current Genomics
Volume: 3 Issue: 4 Year: 2002 Page: 363-377
Author(s): K. Harshman, M. Sanchez-Carbayo