Search Result "equitable access"


Affordable Antiretroviral Drugs for the Under-Served Markets: How to Expand Equitable Access Against the Backdrop of Challenging Scenarios?

Journal: Current HIV Research
Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Year: 2006 Page: 3-20
Author(s): Daniele Dionisio, Yunzhen Cao, Lu Hongzhou, Krisana Kraisintu, Daniela Messeri

Access to Medicines and the Safety of the People

Journal: Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials
Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Year: 2015 Page: 5-10
Author(s): John Harris

An Initiative towards Achieving the ‘Access and Benefit Sharing’ Provisions of Biodiversity Act 2002 and Rules 2004, India

Ebook: Biodiversity Conservation - Challenges for the Future
Volume: 1 Year: 2015
Author(s): Sudipta Mukherjee,Soumyendra Nath Ghosh,Debal Ray
Doi: 10.2174/9781681080215115010017

Accessing Timely Rehabilitation Services for a Global Aging Society? Exploring the Realities within Canadas Universal Health Care System

Journal: Current Aging Science
Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Year: 2010 Page: 143-150
Author(s): Michel D. Landry, Sudha R. Raman, Elham Hamdan

Rights and Obligations of Different Stakeholders Involved in Access and Use of Samples and Data in Biomedical Research

Ebook: Advances in Biobanking Practice Through Public and Private Collaborations
Volume: 1 Year: 2017
Author(s): Michiel Verlinden,Herman Nys,Isabelle Huys
Doi: 10.2174/9781681085104117010009

Costing Human Rights and Community Support Interventions as a Part of Universal Access to HIV Treatment and Care in a Southern African Setting

Journal: Current HIV Research
Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Year: 2011 Page: 416-428
Author(s): Louisa Jones, Paula Akugizibwe, Michaela Clayton, Joseph J. Amon, Miriam Lewis Sabin, Rod Bennett, Christine Stegling, Rachel Baggaley, James G. Kahn, Charles B. Holmes, Navneet Garg, Carla Makhlouf Obermeyer, Christina DeFilippo Mack, Phoebe Williams, Caoimhe Smyth, Marco Vitoria, Siobhan Crowley, Brian Williams, Craig McClure, Reuben Granich, Gottfried Hirnschall

Research Article

Ageing and Learning in Australia: Arguing an Evidence Base for Informed and Equitable Policy

Journal: Current Aging Science
Volume: 9 Issue: 3 Year: 2016 Page: 196-202
Author(s): Michael Cuthill,Laurie Buys,Bruce Wilson,Helen Kimberley,Denise Reghenzani,Peter Kearns,Sally Thompson,Barry Golding,Jo Root,Rhonda Weston

Workplace Learning as a Strategy to Develop a Rural Health Workforce

Ebook: Rural Lifestyles, Community Well-being and Social Change: Lessons from Country Australia for Global Citizens
Volume: 1 Year: 2014
Author(s): Megan Smith
Doi: 10.2174/9781608058020114010012

What Strategies to Boost Production of Affordable Fixed-Dose Anti-Retroviral Drug Combinations for Children in the Developing World?

Journal: Current HIV Research
Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Year: 2007 Page: 155-187
Author(s): Daniele Dionisio, Robert Gass, Peter McDermott, Vincenzo Racalbuto, Marina Madeo, Giuseppe Braghieri, Siobhan Crowley, Eloan Dos Santos Pinheiro, Peter Graaff, Ashwin Vasan, Achara Eksaengsri, Helene Moller, Arun Kumar Khanna, Krisana Kraisintu, Sandeep Juneja, Stavros Nicolaou, Aloka Sengupta, Francesco Esperti, Daniela Messeri

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