Search Result "T cell-mediated diseases"
Early Aged T-Cells in Immune-Mediated Diseases
Journal: Current Immunology Reviews
Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2011 Page: 124-132
Author(s): Christina Duftner, Christian Dejaco, Michael Schirmer
Are B Cells a Potential Target for Therapeutic Intervention in the Classical T Cell-Mediated Autoimmune Disease Type 1 Diabetes?
Journal: Inflammation & Allergy - Drug Targets (Discontinued)
Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Year: 2009 Page: 130-138
Author(s): Maja Wallberg, Elizabeth A. Green
The Role of Heme Oxygenase-1 in T Cell-Mediated Immunity: The All Encompassing Enzyme
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 14 Issue: 5 Year: 2008 Page: 454-464
Author(s): Z. W. Xia, W. W. Zhong, J. S. Meyrowitz, Z. L. Zhang
PKC-θ is a Drug Target for Prevention of T Cell-Mediated Autoimmunity and Allograft Rejection
Journal: Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders - Drug Targets
Volume: 10 Issue: 4 Year: 2010 Page: 367-372
Author(s): Myung-Ja Kwon, Ruiqing Wang, Jian Ma, Zuoming Sun
T-Cell-Mediated Signalling in Immune, Inflammatory and Angiogenic Processes: The Cascade of Events Leading to Inflammatory Diseases
Journal: Current Drug Targets - Inflammation & Allergy
Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Year: 2004 Page: 35-42
Author(s): Claudia Monaco, Evangelos Andreakos, Serafim Kiriakidis, Marc Feldmann, Ewa Paleolog
Crosstalk Between Histamine and T Cells in Allergic Diseases
Journal: Current Immunology Reviews (Discontinued)
Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Year: 2016 Page: 10-13
Author(s): Mayumi Saeki,Tomoe Nishimura,Osamu Kaminuma,Hiroshi Ohtsu,Akio Mori,Takachika Hiroi
The Role of the Adenosinergic Pathway in Immunosuppression Mediated by Human Regulatory T Cells (Treg)
Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 18 Issue: 3 Year: 2011 Page: 5217-5223
Author(s): T. L. Whiteside, M. Mandapathil, P. Schuler
Interleukin-7: a key Mediator in T Cell-driven Autoimmunity, Inflammation, and Tissue Destruction
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 18 Issue: 16 Year: 2012 Page: 2347-2356
Author(s): Angela Bikker,C. Erik Hack,Floris P.J.G. Lafeber,Joel A.G. van Roon
Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase: A Potential Target for the Development of Drugs to Treat T-Cell- and Apicomplexan Parasite-Mediated Diseases
Journal: Current Drug Targets
Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Year: 2007 Page: 413-422
Author(s): R. G. Silva, J. E. S. Nunes, F. Canduri, J. C. Borges, L. M. Gava, F. B. Moreno, L. A. Basso, D. S. Santos
Role of FoxP3+ Treg Cells Mediating Immune Suppression in Leprosy
Journal: Current Immunology Reviews (Discontinued)
Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Year: 2015 Page: 66-72
Author(s): Chaman Saini,Mohd Tarique,Sudhir Kumar,D. Nageshwar Rao