Search Result "Substituted tryptamines"

Recreational Use, Analysis and Toxicity of Tryptamines

Journal: Current Neuropharmacology
Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Year: 2015 Page: 26-46
Author(s): Roberta Tittarelli,Giulio Mannocchi,Flaminia Pantano,Francesco Saverio Romolo

Synthesis and Preliminary Screening of Novel Tryptamines as 5-HT4 Receptor Ligands

Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 17 Issue: 2 Year: 2010 Page: 2775-2787
Author(s): A. Hanna-Elias, D.T. Manallack, I. Berque-Bestel, H.R. Irving, I.M. Coupar, M.N. Iskander

Screening of 64 Tryptamines at NMDA, 5-HT1A, and 5-HT2A Receptors: A Comparative Binding and Modeling Study

Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Year: 2012 Page: 3044-3057
Author(s): M. L. Berger, R. Palangsuntikul, P. Rebernik, P. Wolschann, H. Berner

Design and Synthesis of New N1 and C3-Substituted 4-Fluoroindolic Melatoninergics

Journal: Current Drug Discovery Technologies
Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Year: 2007 Page: 198-207
Author(s): Andrew Tsotinis, Andreas Eleutheriades, Kathryn Davidson, David Sugden, Andrew Tsotinis, Andreas Eleutheriades, Kathryn Davidson, David Sugden

Synthesis, Activity, and QSAR Studies of Tryptamine Derivatives on Third-instar Larvae of Aedes Aegypti Linn

Journal: Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 10 Issue: 6 Year: 2014 Page: 580-587
Author(s): Rafael R.B. Oliveira, Thaysnara B. Brito, Angelita Nepel, Emmanoel V. Costa, Andersson Barison, Rogeria S. Nunes, Roseli L.C. Santos, Socrates C.H. Cavalcanti

Cancer as the Main Aging Factor for Humans: The Fundamental Role of 5-Methoxy-Tryptamine in Reversal of Cancer-Induced Aging Processes in Metabolic and Immune Reactions by Non-melatonin Pineal Hormones

Journal: Current Aging Science
Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Year: 2012 Page: 231-235
Author(s): Paolo Lissoni, Giuseppina Messina, Franco Rovelli

Mini-Review Article

Diverse Pharmacological Potential of different Substituted Pyrazole Derivatives

Journal: Current Organic Synthesis
Volume: 21 Issue: 7 Year: 2024 Page: 858-888
Author(s): Ahad Amer Alsaiari

1-Formyl-9H-β-Carboline: A Useful Scaffold for Synthesizing Substituted- and Fused β-Carbolines

Journal: Current Organic Synthesis
Volume: 9 Issue: 4 Year: 2012 Page: 513-528
Author(s): Virender Singh and Sanjay Batra

Chiral Acetylenic Sulfoxide in Organic Synthesis: Addition of Chiral Secondary Amines

Journal: Letters in Organic Chemistry
Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Year: 2005 Page: 33-36
Author(s): Sujun Yan, K. T. Lam, K. T. Mo, W. Y. Wong, W. H. Chan, Albert W.M. Lee

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