Search Result "Proteins and Peptides"
Controlled Delivery of Peptides and Proteins
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Year: 2007 Page: 99-117
Author(s): I. Tuncer Degim, Nevin Celebi
Nano-encapsulation of Proteins and Peptides
Journal: Current Nanomaterials
Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Year: 2017 Page: 76-83
Author(s): Ibrahim Ali Noorbatcha,Irwandi Jaswir,Hasna Ahmad
Protein-Peptide Docking: An Initiation to Discover Therapeutic Peptides
Ebook: Intelligent Technologies for Scientific Research and Engineering
Volume: 1 Year: 2023
Author(s): B. Aarthi Rashmi,S. Sachin Kumar
Doi: 10.2174/9789815079395123010008
Prion Protein Peptides as Vaccines
Journal: Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 9 Issue: 4 Year: 2009 Page: 470-480
Author(s): M. Ghielmetti, T. Vranac, V. Curin Serbec
Antimicrobial Peptides from Food Proteins
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Year: 2003 Page: 1225-1238
Author(s): Antonio Pellegrini
Protein and Peptide Biopharmaceuticals: An Overview
Journal: Protein & Peptide Letters
Volume: 24 Issue: 2 Year: 2017 Page: 94-101
Author(s): Dominic Agyei,Ishtiaq Ahmed,Zain Akram,Hafiz M. N. Iqbal,Michael K. Danquah
Seaweed Proteins as a Source of Bioactive Peptides
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 27 Issue: 11 Year: 2021 Page: 1342-1352
Author(s): Mehdi Alboofetileh,Ali Hamzeh,Mehdi Abdollahi
Exploring Protein-Protein Interactions with Synthetic Peptide Arrays
Journal: Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry
Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Year: 2011 Page: 164-170
Author(s): Rudolf Volkmer, Victor Tapia
Peptides, Proteins and Peptide/Protein-Polymer Conjugates as Drug Delivery System
Journal: Protein & Peptide Letters
Volume: 21 Issue: 11 Year: 2014 Page: 1121-1128
Author(s): Biswajit Mukherjee,Swapna D. Karmakar,Chowdhury M. Hossain,Sanchari Bhattacharya
Bioactive Proteins and Peptides from Soybeans
Journal: Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture
Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Year: 2015 Page: 100-107
Author(s): Dominic Agyei